Morning Musings: Facing sleeping disorder? Blow away blues & make most of it...

From : Lifestyle Desk
Feb 01, 2023

New Delhi: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy and wise”. The maxim is still prevalent and relevant. Waking up early can bring a whole host of benefits, including increased productivity, better physical and mental health, and a stronger sense of discipline. However, for many people, getting out of bed in the morning is a real struggle. By getting up right away when your alarm goes off and starting your day with a positive mindset, you can make the most of your mornings and set the tone for a productive, fulfilling day. If you're one of those people, who is always in hurry in the morning time. 

Here are some tips to help you wake up early and make the most of your mornings.

Stick to a consistent sleep schedule

Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle and make it easier to get up in the morning.

Create a relaxing bedtime routine

Establishing a calming pre-sleep routine can help signal to your body that it's time to wind down and get ready for sleep. This might include activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or meditating.

Avoid screens before bedtime

The blue light emitted by electronic devices can disrupt your body's production of melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate sleep. To avoid this, avoid screens for at least an hour before bedtime.

Get enough exercise

Regular physical activity has been shown to improve sleep quality and make it easier to fall asleep and wake up in the morning. Try to finish your workout a few hours before bedtime you can also adjust gym time according to that.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime

Both caffeine and alcohol can interfere with sleep, so it's best to avoid them in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Create a sleep-conducive environment

Make sure your sleeping environment is cool, dark, and quiet to help promote deep, restful sleep.

Use an alarm clock

Setting an alarm clock can help ensure that you get up at the same time every day and avoid oversleeping. Place the alarm clock across the room from your bed so that you have to physically get up to turn it off.

Avoid hitting snooze

When your alarm goes off, resist the urge to hit snooze and get up right away. Laying in bed after your alarm goes off can make it harder to get up and start your day.

Get up and move around

Once you're out of bed, take a few minutes to stretch and move around to get your body awake and alert.

Start your day with a positive mindset

Set a positive tone for the day by focusing on gratitude, setting achievable goals, and looking forward to what the day has in store.