Within cascading hair is blossom face as morning light peeps through dark clouds

From : Lifestyle Desk
Feb 02, 2023

New Delhi: “Your lovely visage today has a virgin glow, 
If my heart beats faster that's no fault of mine.
Within your cascading hair is this blossom face,
As the morning light peeps through dark clouds;
As far as the eye goes, there is nothing but a headiness,
So if my heart beats faster, that's no fault of mine.”

Honey is the best natural moisturizer, and in addition to keeping our skin moist, it also helps get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. Honey is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent that has been used for a long time. When applied directly to eczema-affected skin, it helps prevent infections, speeds up healing, and keeps the skin hydrated.

Honey Can be used for fine lines

Honey reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It nourishes dry, irritable, and wrinkled skin, thereby soothing it. A honey mask that fights aging can be made by mixing a teaspoon of honey with the same amount of papaya, whole milk, or yogurt. Apply the solution to your face and allow it to sit for thirty minutes. Increase blood circulation and tighten the skin by massaging it. Using warm water, remove the mask and pat your skin dry with a washcloth.

Able to be used as a lip exfoliant

Wintertime lips can be made smooth and supple by using honey. Simply combine one teaspoon of sugar and one teaspoon of honey and apply to lips. Rinse after 20 minutes for pinkish, soft lips.

Can be used to lighten and brighten the skin

Since honey has exfoliating characteristics, using it on your face can remove dull, dead skin cells. This might expose more radiant skin. After you wash your face, put manuka honey or any other type of unpasteurized, raw honey on it. Allow it to remain on your skin for ten minutes before rinsing.

Utilizable for acne

Honey is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory that helps acne heal and keeps new infections from happening. On the face, apply a thin coating of raw honey. Then, wash your face with regular water after 10 minutes.

Remove dead skin

Take one teaspoon of orange peel powder and combine it with one tablespoon of honey. Massage it all over your face, paying special attention to your jawline. Be careful not to massage too vigorously. Wash your face with clean water; this will also assist to purify your pores.