Reducing intake of sugar & fat-rich processed foods can improve your gut health

From : Lifestyle Desk
Feb 02, 2023

Noida: Intestine plays the most important role in balancing our physical health and fitness and that is why we should be extra careful about our intestine. There is a surprising fact that in a healthy abdomen, there are more beneficial bacterias than deadly bacterias, and these harmful bacterias do not outnumber the beneficial ones. As per the medical professionals, the presence of some bacteria in perfect proportion in the intestine can lead to a number of health benefits, such as less inflammation and irritation which may reduce stomach problems.

Experts say that we should always be cautious about the gut health which stands for the overall digestive tract of a human body. Every disease and uncomforteness arises from that portion of our body which we normally ignore. Intake of healthy food is the most factors while keeping our body healthy and strong. Along with good food we need to hydrate our digestive tract that needs to remain hydrated for better results.

We may focus on few things that indicate the signs of poor gut health:

Things we should follow to maintain our gut health

Keep hydrated

Drinking plenty of water may be associated with increased bacterial diversity in the stomach; however, the supply of water is also important. Water drinkers had lower levels of a type of bacteria that can cause stomach illnesses. It could also be an easy method to boost gut health.

Consider a pre-biotic or pro-biotic supplement

Dieticians and nutrition experts suggest that prebiotic or probiotic supplement in diet may help in the improvement of our gut health. Prebiotics are "food" that encourages the growth of helpful bacteria in the stomach, whereas probiotics are live healthy bacteria.

Get into the habit of healthy diet

If we reduce the intake of processed food which contain high-sugar and high-fat may improve our overall digestive system. A fiber-rich diet is also likely to contribute to healthy gut, so we need to include green, leafy and fresh vegetables in our diet.

Reduce stress levels

Unceasingly high levels of stress are difficult on your entire body, including the digestive system. Meditation, music, brisk walk, massage therapies, yoga, and spending time with friends and family are all strategies to reduce stress.

Get enough rest

Not getting enough or sufficient sleep may result into a major consequence for the gut health and there might be serious troubles like sleep disorders or insomnia. Make it a point to get at least 7-8 hours of unbroken sleep every night.

Eat slowly

Chewing food properly and eating slower may reduce the chances of diseases like obesity and diabetes which are now creating high rated concerns for everyone.  The process of eating slow may help us to reduce digestive disorders and it will assist to keep our gut healthy over the years.