Exercises that you should do at home to stay fit

From : Lifestyle Desk
Feb 03, 2023

New Delhi: We all know that regular exercise is beneficial to our health. However, with so many alternatives and information accessible, it's easy to become overwhelmed with what works. But many of us don't have enough time to go to the gym. But don't worry. We've got your back and your body covered! Combine them into a fitness regimen for a simple yet effective workout that will keep you in shape for the rest of your life.

Before You Start

Warm up for three to five minutes before beginning, then cool down at the conclusion. Engage your abdominal muscles when exercising to strengthen your core. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding sitting. If you need to rest, take a walk until your heart rate returns to normal.

Also read: Tips to keep your skin healthy and glowy!

Dumbbells rows

Not only will dumbbell rows make your back look amazing, but they are also a complex workout that builds many muscles in your upper body. Select a moderate-weight dumbbell, and make sure you're squeezing at the top of the movement.

Strength-training Exercises

Full-body exercises increase muscle mass and cardiovascular endurance.


Put your face down on the earth. Lift your body with your arms and legs extended, so your weight is supported by your hands and tiptoes. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat until you reach a full minute.


Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees until they form a 90-degree angle with the tips of your toes. Hold for a moment before standing. Repeat for a total of 15 times.


Push-ups beginning on your knees or in a plank posture strengthen your biceps and triceps, while sit-ups strengthen your abdominals.


Burpees are a super-effective, whole-body move that gives a lot of bang for your buck in terms of cardiovascular endurance and muscle power.

Side Planks

A healthy body is built on a strong core, so don't overlook core-specific workouts like the side plank. Lie on your right side, stacking your left leg and foot on top of your right leg and foot. Place your right forearm on the ground and your elbow directly beneath your shoulder to support your upper torso.

Mountain climbers

Begin in the plank position. Return to the beginning position by drawing your right knee up toward your right arm. Repeat with your left knee. Repeat fast 15 times.


Climbing the stairs in your home will build your thigh and calf muscles, as well as your heart. It’s really good if you have steps leading to your flat or inside your home.