Fueling Your Body: How to Get Enough Protein Every Day

From : Lifestyle Desk
Feb 28, 2023

A few studies have shown that eating extra protein is good for health. You may easily increase your protein intake by making some small changes to your diet. Swapping eggs for cheese as a snack or eating protein sources first at meals are some of the easiest ways for protein intake. 
An increased protein intake helps in weight loss, muscle building, and overall wellness. Plant-based protein sources should be incorporated into your daily diet.

Protein can be found in plants in many different foods, including whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. This selection often contains less saturated fat than protein from animals. Consider including foods like quinoa, almonds, chia seeds, lentils, and chickpeas.

Choose lean protein sources

Meat is the most efficient and economical way to get protein because it has both high quality and a low cost per calorie. Choose fish or chicken over red meat if you must eat animal protein. These choices are healthier because they have fewer calories and less saturated fat than fatty meats, which can cause an increased risk of heart disease and other health issues.

Also read: Protein rich lunch recipes for weight loss!

Get a healthy protein intake balance every day

If you want to feel full and satisfied after eating, and give your body the protein it needs, try eating some protein with each meal. Consume a variety of foods, but try to keep your meals balanced by including protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Avoid eating deli meats

Bacon, sausage, and other processed meats like deli meat tend to be quite rich in saturated fat, salt, and nitrates. Any of these can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and other disorders. Instead, choose fresh meats and cook them yourself.

Have protein-rich snacks on hand

Snacking is a fantastic covert approach to get in some additional protein whenever you can during the day. Protein-rich snacks like Greek yoghurt, cheese, hard-boiled eggs, nut butter with apple slices, or hummus with carrot sticks can help you meet your daily protein needs and avoid feeling hungry.

The size of your servings matters

Although protein is essential for optimal health, it's important to pay attention to portion proportions. Consume 80–120 gms of meat, fish, or poultry, or 1/2 cup of beans or tofu, with each meal. The International Society for Mediterranean Diet recommends that at every meal, 1/4 of the plate be devoted to protein sources.

Drink plenty of water

Protein absorption is just one of the many health benefits of maintaining a regular water intake. Keep hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily.


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