Natural exquisiteness around the world will take your heart away

From : Lifestyle Desk
Mar 23, 2023

Nature is so unexplained with its exceptional and breathtaking beauty that has always enchanted us. If you ever go through the pages of world geography you will read about different kinds of Rocks, Mountain ridges, cliff, waterfalls, canyons, trenches streams, bays, rainforests, wild life and many more. Just imagine if you ever get the chance to experience those with your bare eyes then your ecstasy will go beyond imagination. Sometimes we get lucky to experience astonishing beauties that can make us speechless. There are so many extraordinary locations in the world that no one can even imagine about.
We will discuss about some of the most astounding places on earth:

Mount Roraima

Credit: creidt-travel triangle

This vast plateau, which lies on the border of Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana, is encircled by towering cliffs and is home to numerous rare plants and animal species that are not found anywhere else on the planet.

Grand Prismatic Spring

Situated in Yellowstone National Park in the U.S., this hot spring is the largest in the area and is famed for its spectacular rainbow colors generated by the presence of bacteria that flourish in its searing waters.

Baikal Lake

The largest freshwater lake in the world is located in Russia, and it is so clear that you can see about 130 feet below the surface. The Baikal seal is one of the several rare animal species that call it home.


This gorgeous white landscape is created by a series of terraced pools in Turkey that are filled with warm, mineral-rich water that cascades down a hillside.

Danxia Landforms

Photographers love to visit these vibrant, layered sandstone formations, which can be found throughout China in many locations.

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

Towering sandstone pillars in this Chinese park are so distinctive they served as the model for the floating mountains in the motion picture Avatar.

Salar de Uyuni

The largest salt flat in the world is located in Bolivia, and because it is so level, satellites are calibrated there. The apartment transforms into a gigantic mirror that reflects the sky during the rainy season.

Victoria Falls

One of the greatest waterfalls in the world, this enormous one is famed for its deafening roar and breathtaking rainbow displays. It is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Aurora Borealis

This phenomenon sometimes referred to as the Northern Lights, is brought on by charged particles from the sun interacting with molecules in Earth's atmosphere to produce vibrant lights that dance across the sky. 
They may be found in the Arctic regions of Finland, Iceland, and Norway.

Bioluminescent Bays

There are a few locations on earth where you may see bioluminescent plankton emitting a spectacular show of blue light while it is dark. 
Popular locations include Luminous Lagoon in Jamaica and Mosquito Bay in Puerto Rico.