Introduce Your Kids to Navratri Traditions

From : Lifestyle Desk
Mar 26, 2023

Navratri is a significant Hindu festival that is celebrated for nine days, honouring the goddess Durga in her nine different manifestations. As a parent, here are valuable lessons you can impart to your children about Navratri:

The Significance of Navratri:

Navratri represents the victory of good over evil and honours the goddess Durga, who is a symbol of strength, courage, and power. The festival is observed throughout India with a variety of ceremonies and traditions that celebrate the goddess's triumph over evil.

The Nine Forms of Durga:

During Navratri, people worship the nine forms of the goddess Durga, known as Navdurga. Each form of Durga represents a unique aspect of the goddess's power and is associated with a specific day of the festival. Teach your children about the different forms of Durga, their symbolism, and the significance of each form.

Fasting and Feasting:

Navratri is a time for both fasting and feasting. Many people observe fasts and abstain from consuming non-vegetarian food, alcohol, and other stimulants. Some people also avoid grains and consume only fruits and milk. Traditional delicacies like puri, chana, and halwa are also prepared and enjoyed during the festival. Teach your children about the importance of fasting and feasting during Navratri and encourage them to participate in the celebrations.

Importance of Charity:

Navratri is also a time to practice charity and give back to the community. Teach your children about the importance of helping others and encourage them to donate to charities or volunteer at local organizations during Navratri. This will help them understand the true spirit of the festival and instill values like empathy and kindness in them.