Sun-drenched holidays may turn more pleasurable with amusing activities

From : Lifestyle Desk
May 24, 2023

Summer vacation is a great opportunity for parents to spend quality time with their kids and create long-standing memories. Even though summertime enjoyment is frequently associated with outdoor activities, there are many interesting and enjoyable things to do at home. Here are some suggestions for summertime activities that you will enjoy with your kids:

Art and crafts: Create a designated arts and crafts area where your kids may let their imaginations run wild. A variety of supplies, including paints, coloured pencils, markers, glue, scissors, and construction paper, should be made available to the children. Encourage kids to use recyclable materials to make drawings, paintings, collages, or even their own original creations.

Cooking and baking: Plan enjoyable cooking and baking sessions with your children to get them involved in the kitchen. Pick simple recipes that youngsters can assist with, like creating colourful fruit salads, baking homemade pizzas, or decorating cupcakes. They can spend precious time together while learning useful cooking skills from this activity.

Indoor camping: Change your living space into a comfortable indoor campsite. Use blankets and pillows to construct a tent or a fort. By utilising lighting, playing campfire sounds, and sharing stories, you may create a camping atmosphere that kids will definitely love to experience. If you arrange cooking in the camp then it will be more exciting.

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Movie marathon: Kids love to watch  movies based on various topics  Let them pick the movies they want to watch, then provide a cosy viewing space with pillows and blankets, some popcorn or other goodies.

Science experiments: Make your house a science lab and involve your kids in fascinating experiments. You can opt for risk-free experiments, such as making homemade slime, water and oil experiments, or baking soda and 
vinegar volcanoes. Encourage children to go for scientific research.

Treasure hunt: Plan a treasure hunt throughout your house or backyard. Create clues and hide small prizes or treats at each location. This activity promotes problem-solving skills and keeps kids engaged as they search for the hidden treasures. You can adjust the difficulty level according to the age of your children.

Reading challenge: Organize a reading challenge for the summer vacation. Create a list of books or set a target number of books your children can read. Visit the local library together and let them choose books that interest them. Allocate some time each day for reading, and consider having a family book club where you can discuss the stories together.

Gardening: Spend time outdoors by starting a small garden or nursing the existing plants. Teach your kids about planting seeds, watering plants, and caring for them. They will learn about nature, responsibility, and the joy of seeing their efforts bloom into beautiful flowers or homegrown vegetables.

Puzzles and board games: Gather a collection of puzzles and board games suitable for your kids. Spend quality time solving puzzles together or playing board games that encourage strategic thinking and cooperation. 
This not only stimulates their minds but also strengthens family bonds.