PHOTO KATHA: See what the World Culture Festival left behind

By : Samrat Roy
Mar 15, 2016

Two days after Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's World Culture Festival on the Yamuna plains, you can still see the guru's face splashed across the venue — not on tall billboards but on filth-covered posters littering the ground, along with piles of discarded plastic bottles and half-eaten, rotting food. The few animals left are distraught and the plains cry out for help. 

Just how much can you restore a ravaged land? Look for yourself. 


THE LITTER TRUTH: The venue is being cleared, but where does the garbage go?  


BARREN LANDS: Would you call this a river bed?


EAT YOUR GREENS: A buffalo manages to find some grass to graze on.


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Leftovers from three nights of culture. 


I'M LEAVING THIS PLACE: Good call, bird.