PHOTO KATHA: Of grins, giggles and guffaws

By : Samrat Roy
May 04, 2017 Photo: Samrat Roy

Residents of Jal Vayu Vihar, Noida — almost 200 of them — spent the better part of the day having a good laugh. Mirthful, uproarious laughter. 

Why? They were celebrating Word Laughter Day at the Jal Vayu Vihar Community Center (JVCC).  

Though usually observed on the first Sunday of May, in this case May 7, members of the JVCC laughter club — along with the founder of World Laughter Day, Dr Madan Kataria — decided to bring cheer to the community a little earlier. Together they celebrated the happiness and the spirit that laughter spread around the world. 

Laughing is something the JVCC club has imbibed into its daily routine. Every morning, people from all walks of life and all age groups begin the day with a healthy dose of giggles to reinforce the belief that laughter is indeed the best medicine. 

Here are a few snapshots from the celebrations:


CHEER LEADER: Dr Madan Kataria, founder of the laughter yoga concept, first celebrated World Laughter Day in 1998  


WHAT'S MIRTH WITHOUT MADNESS? Residents decide to let loose their lighter side


TOGETHER THEY LAUGH: Every day is a conscious decision to be happy 


SALUTE TO THE JVCC SPIRIT: With a smile, just like Dr Mahesh Sharma, Minister of State for Culture and Tourism


LAUGH OUT LOUD: Because what better way is there to celebrate life? 


HANDS UP! You don't have the right to remain silent


BE SURE TO LAUGH WITH US AGAIN: Have a very happy World Laughter Day!