Sec 56, Gurgaon: High time these trees were pruned!

By : Reena Dhankher
Jun 03, 2017 Photo:

Residents of Sector 56 may soon get relief from their problems with overgrown trees. Acting on resident complaints, the horticultural department of Municipal Corporation of Gurugram (MCG) and Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHVBN) have started working on the issue in tandem.

Over the past few months, residents were facing a host of issues as a result of these overgrown trees — power cuts caused by branches falling on power lines, people on two-wheelers riding straight into a branch, and branches and twigs falling on cars. The situation had worsened during the recent thunderstorms, in which power problems became worse when trees got entangled in wires.

"Power cuts in this season are unbearable," said Sudhir Bhardwaj, president of the RWA. "I received a WhatsApp message about the horticultural department and DHBVN coming together to fix the problem. It will be a huge relief."

City Spidey got in touch with the officials to find out what their plan was.

"Most of the power problems were being caused due to the branches touching the cables and causing short circuits," said Hari Kesh, junior engineer, DHBVN. "Branches coming in contact with high-voltage cables causes multiple problems. Pruning was important."

"Our junior engineer is working on the project," said Ajay Nirala, executive engineer of the horticulture department, MCG. "We have sent a pruning machine with a team of five to get the job done."