Gurgaon...No sir! This is Dronacharya's Gururgam

City Spidey
Jun 08, 2017 Photo:

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.”

                                                                              Spoken by Juliet, Romeo & Juliet, Act 2 Scene 2

But things are a little different at Gurugram, or uh Gurgaon. The residents of this millennium city are confused. Should they stick to the popular and more familiar Gurgaon, or should they get used to the BJP-approved — and rather weighty — Gurugram.

While six months have passed since the name change was approved, neither government offices nor the private sector have changed the nomenclature.

The signboards across the city remain unchanged; boards installed by private companies and developers are also using the name Gurgaon. The only institution where the name change is visible is the police department, particularly in its Twitter activities.

It's still Gurgaon at restaurants, clubs, malls and other places. Some newspapers, too, have stuck to Gurgaon.

Changes take time, and a name change more so. At least, that’s what the officials feel.They say new boards, new installations and all government communication will soon use Gurugram. The licenses, revenue records and every piece of official document will follow suit.

But will Gurugram find a place in the hearts of people? Will the ousted name, contemporary and cool, ever be fully replaced?   

Joginder Singh, former RWA president of Sector 57, who prefers Gurgaon, complained, “Changing name is not going to help, and the government has not done the right thing. The name Gurgaon has been lucky — why change it?”

The internet too is throwing up more of Gurgaon on search.

Social activist Vinita Singh also started an online petition on against the move, arguing that common citizens were not consulted before the step was taken.

Supporters of Gurugram, however, opine that the new name has historical context —it represents the history of the city. “This was the village of Guru Dronacharya, and his name must be honoured,” said Rama Rani Rathee, former councillor of DLF.

The not-so-cool avatar of the happening city is, perhaps, here to stay. The question is was this cultural jingoism really necessary?