Issues with this Gurgaon road just don't end

By : Reena Dhankher
Aug 18, 2017 Photo: Reena Dhankher

The dividing road between sectors 17 and 18, Gurgaon, is posing a serious threat to commuters and residents of Sector 17B. Despite the road being widened for the convenience of commuters, there is another danger that looms large.

Residents exiting from the sector gate cannot see traffic zooming in from Iffco Chowk due to the pillar of the entry gate. This makes it an especially accident-prone area. This Rs 5.9 crore project is now becoming a bane for residents.

Concerned about their safety, residents have now demanded the construction of speed-breakers on the road, and, alternatively, a traffic light at the junction. 

“This dividing road is one of the busiest roads in the city,” said DS Yadav, president of Sector 17B. “Many of our residents are senior citizens and hence this worries us a lot. The traffic light would be the best solution.” 

The main issue here is that there is very little time to react after a resident actually sees a vehicle speeding towards him or her. Chances of accidents are, hence, pretty high.

“Cars on the road have left little space for pedestrians and cyclists. We have to constantly employ as many as 10 people at a time to control traffic,” said SHO of the Sector 18 police station.