Gurgaon: Why do Fresco and Pioneer residents fear lifts?

By : Reena Dhankher
Dec 17, 2017 Photo:

Residents in various high-rise condominiums, built by Unitech, dread the lifts in their apartments as several incidents when users getting stuck have be recurring. Most of the lifts installed in the buildings have run out of AMC contracts and the maintenance agency, OTIS, has refused to provide repair and maintenance services unless dues are paid.

This is what residents in condominiums like Fresco, Escape and Pioneer too had faced because lifts there had become non-functional. Different RWAs have now complained to the Chief Electrical Inspector Office and sought his help in resolving the issue.

At the last count, as many as 30 lifts installed at Fresco Apartments were already having issues (Complaints lodged dated 21st November 2017) and on top of it, the cancellation of AMC contract has further added to the woes of the residents.

"We have already had few critical incidents in the last five months where residents and even children got stuck in the lifts. Now with the Maintenance Company refusing to continue will be very risky to use lifts,” said Milesh Tondon, president Fresco Condominium.

Yogesh Matta, another resident told City Spidey that “the builder has not been clearing dues on time and we will suffer despite paying maintenance charges on time. "

The situation has now become very scary as the life of thousands of residents is at risk in these three societies. Even after grave incidents of lifts falling in condominiums endangering lives of residents, the builders in Gurgaon have not yet learnt their lessons.

In the meanwhile, the residents who paid through their noses for decent accommodation, have to suffer silently. Or climb up several stories to reach their flats.

"In case of an emergency, nobody is equipped here to rescue the passengers. Currently, 2 lifts of 2 towers of Fresco are out of order and in case the second lifts of these towers go out of order, residents will be stuck on higher floors, added Tandon.

Efforts to reach Unitech for comments proved futile, till the time of writing this report.