Noida district hospital fails to implement pass system effectively

Mukhram Singh
Feb 03, 2018 Photo:

The Noida district hospital recently introduced a visitor-pass system to limit the number of visitors for a patient. However, the system has not worked as expected and chaos reigns during visiting hours, causing trouble to both patients and hospital staff.     

Family members don’t bother to get passes made and security personnel don’t check passes and let any number of visitors in for a particular patient.

Rajendra, a patient, said that often, the visitors sit on the patient’s bed.

Visitors complain that there’s no waiting room in the hospital, and hence they are helpless and try to stay in the ward itself.

The hospital's chief medical superintendent, Dr Ajay Agarwal, admitted that gaps existed and assured the pass system would be implemented stringently once again.

He added, “We’ll ensure that only one family member is allowed per pass. If we see more than one family member in the ward, action will be taken against the security personnel.”