Gurgaon: Property records and generation of property tax to become paperless

City Spidey
Apr 11, 2018 Photo:

Could Geographical Information System (GIS) help in the collection of property tax? Certainly yes! MCG now has the mobile numbers and email data of 2.27 lakh building owners in their system.

This fact was revealed during a meeting between the officials of MCG and the Haryana Space Applications Centre (HARSAC) on Saturday.

According to information with the MCG, it has approximately 6 lakh property owners in its jurisdiction.

MCG officials said they are updating the contact details of property owners in their database, as they have failed to identify roughly 39,000 owners of vacant plots, whose records could not be traced.

Officials also launched a service on the official web portal to allow residents to submit relevant documents to correct details of their property ownership — the corporation had received nearly 30,000 complaints of incorrect property records through post.

“Property records and the generation of property tax will soon become paperless. The MCG has the mobile numbers of 2.27 lakh people in its system. These people are being alerted about their property tax dues through SMS. Officials have been directed to update mobile numbers and email records of all (property) owners within a month’s time,” MCG commissioner Yashpal Yadav said.

MCG officials hope to outdo last year’s property tax collection (Rs 472 crore) — highest ever — this year.  

Residents, too, have welcomed the move.

“In several instances in the last decade I did not receive my property tax records via post. It was only when I received notices about the pending dues that I became aware of my liabilities. Hence, the new move of sending residents information about tax dues on their mobile numbers or emails will be beneficial,” opined Joginder Singh, former RWA president of Sector 57.