Prateek Laurel's hero!

By : Ramesh Kumar
May 05, 2016

Kunal Singh (name changed on request), a resident of Tower K in Prateek Laurel, Sector 120, Noida, got back the Rs 60,000 he had lost on Wednesday, thanks to the honesty and presence of mind of Sumit Kumar, a garbage collector.

Singh had unmidfully dumped a bag containing the cash. Upon realising what he had done, he contacted Kumar to help him find the bag.

Kumar recollected having seen a garbage picker collecting a bag from the trash. Though unsure whether it was the same bag, he rushed to the spot on a hunch to find the garbage picker walking away with the wads of notes in his pocket. Kumar managed to retrieve the money from the man and return it to Singh.

Residents of the Society have applauded Kumar's presence of mind and integrity.

We do too. 


Sumit Kumar, the garbage collector who retrieved the cash.