Four men suspected of 'Kaccha Baniyan' gang burgle two flats in Noida's Sec 51

City Spidey
May 06, 2019 Photo: City Spidey

A shocking incident of theft has been reported from Noida's Sector 51 in which four unidentified men, wearing vests and briefs (kaccha and baniyan) entered into two separate flats and stole car keys and other valuables realising the owners were asleep. The incident took place Sunday midnight.

In the video footage recorded through CCTV, the miscreants can be seen carrying pistols, searching for money and other valuables. They first broke the iron grill of a window in the kitchen, then the wardrobe. Unable to find anything inside the wardrobe, they daringly knocked on the door but it was locked from inside. Finding the owners in a state of a deep sleep, these thieves left the home with a bunch of car keys.

Talking to City Spidey about the incident, secretary of the RWA (Sector 50) Sanjeev Kumar said, “The theft took place in flat no 37 and 40 of Block-E. Names of the owners are Surendra Jindal and Abhishek Goyal. As they were sleeping, the miscreants escaped with a car from one flat and valuables from the other.”

“Owners of these two flats came to know about the incident Monday morning. They called the police and apprised them about the robbery,” Kumar added.

“God saved them as they did not open the door, otherwise, they would have got beaten up or killed by these thieves,” Kumar further said.

Residents of the sector are living in fear now as they suspect these men to be linked with the infamous 'Kaccha Baniyan' gang, active in North India.

However, Ajay Agarwal, the station house officer (SHO) with Sector 49, denied operation of such gang in the city.

“Prima facie, these men, caught on camera, don't look like members of this particular gang. Based on the video footage, we are trying to identify them,” Agarwal concluded.