GDA's untreated STP water polluting Hindon, alleges environmentalist

By : Ashish Srivastava
Jul 18, 2019 Photo: City Spidey

A Ghaziabad-based environmentalist on Thursday alleged that the untreated water from the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) run by city's Development Authority, is polluting the Hindon river.

The activist, Vikrant Hindon (Sharma), have also registered a complaint on the IGRS (Integrated Grievances Redress System) portal of Uttar Pradesh government. “A pipe is dumping untreated STP water into the storm drain that usually carries hard rainwater. Hence, it pollutes the drain water which ends up polluting the whole river," said Sharma.

In his video Sharma also alleged that the STP, which is based in Raj Nagar Extension, is not operational currently. "The STP water is mucky. It is clear that it has not been treated," the environmentalist claimed. However, Sharma also said that he has not visited STP to verify his allegations.

On the other hand, the open stormwater drain in the Raj Nagar Extension already carries sewer water of many housing societies before assimilating into the Hindon. The water coming from the storm drain is mucky already. Sharma too concurred with this fact. “It's true that many societies dump their sewer water in the stormwater drain. However, the number is very less for the socities that are not connected with the sewer system. Otherwise, 80 per cent of the societies are connected to sewer system whose water goes to STP for filtration,” Sharma said.

What is stormwater drain?

Stormwater drains are different from the sewer systems. They run along streets, roads, parks, and parking lots to collect and carry rainwater. While the sewer system collects water from inside our homes and other businesses and further carries it to a treatment plant where the wastewater is cleaned before being released into the Delta, the stormwater flows directly to the Delta without treatment.

City Spidey contacted Arun Saxena, Executive Engineer of Zone 1 to enquire about the running status of STP. "It’s not under my knowledge currently. I’ll check its status," Saxena said. The plant was inaugurated in 2018 by Ritu Maheshwari, then Vice Chairperson of Ghaziabad Development Authority.