Greater Noida: Fun-filled Navratri at Gaur City 6th avenue

By : Mirah Zamin
Oct 07, 2019 Photo: CitySpidey

Residents of Gaur City 6th avenue celebrate Navratri with festive fervour on Sunday.

Women residents, who had been practicing dandiya (a dance form) moves for weeks, showcased their talent in the dandiya night along while children danced to their heart’s content to the tunes of popular Bollywood numbers as well as classical songs.

The splendid night started with young residents decorating diya (a small lamp made from clay) and matkis (earthen pot) for their grandparents followed by an activity section where awareness against plastic was the highlight.

On the occasion, children were also conferred awards for participating in various activities.

The residents had also arranged Mata ki Chowki (devotional programme) on October 5.