RESIDENT SPEAK: A few tips for a safe fun-filled Diwali

By : Dr Shalini Mullick
Oct 27, 2019 Photo: Samrat Roy

Diwali is around the corner. We all gearing up to make the most of the celebration with new clothes, sweets, home decor etc. However, we must also take a few precautions while celebrating the festival.

Given below are a few tips for a safe, green and happy Diwali.

Keep earplugs handy to use when loud sound of firecrackers go off. The high decibal noise can damage eardrums in some people and can also result in increased heart rate in older people especially those with cardiac problems.

Lighting of firecrackers should be avoided as much as possible. It is advisable not to burn crackers it may cause accidental physical injury apart from noise and air pollution.

The fumes generally emitted from the crackers can give rise to respiratory issues. Patients with lung diseases like asthma should avoid places with heavy cracker pollution. They can suffer breathlessness due to the smoke. They are recommended to use masks particularly while going out.

In case you are determined to burst crackers, ensure only good quality, legally allowed ones are used. Wear cotton clothes, avoid long flowing garments while playing with crackers and even watching them go off. Children must always be supervised by adults while cracker bursting, and crackers used only in open spaces. Fire extinguisher must be kept handy. Never try to reignite an already lit cracker

Use eco-friendly decorations in the house which is friendly to environment as well as nontoxic to health. When using candles or diyas, endure that loose curtains or any flammable objects are not there around these.

In case of injury to the eye due to cracker:

Immediately flush the eye with cool water.

Don’t use ice

Donot rub the eye

Seek medical help immediately

In case of burns due to crackers or candles and diyas:

Immerse the burnt area in cool water or apply clothes soaked in cool water.

Remove jewellery and constrictive clothing before swelling or blisters occurs.

Don’t place a burn under extreme water pressure

Don’t remove the cloth that is stuck to the burnt area.

Don’t apply butter ointment or oil on the area affected.

Do not put ice on the burn as it can reduce healing time.

Do not break the blisters.

Keep a first-aid kit ready near you. Ideally, the first-aid kit should contain inhalers, eyedrops and burn cream throughout as this will prevent major complications in case of an accident

It is important to celebrate the festivals with utmost sensitivity and care. Using firecrackers that do not create noise beyond a certain level can be the first step towards being sensitive to your neighbours and friends, elders and also pets.