Looking back at Social Media Trends of 2021

From : Lifestyle Desk
Dec 15, 2021

2021 has been a rollercoaster ride for everyone. Amidst battling with Covid 19, we all become addicted to social media unexpectedly. Social media has become an intrinsic part of our lives now. It might be the first thing people check as soon as they wake up or the last thing before they fall asleep. Do you also find yourself humming trending reel audios randomly, or can't stop scrolling through the reels tab on the Instagram app?. Well, it's the case with almost everyone.

Social media trends have become so big that even if you are not a very avid social media user, you'll know what's trending. With that, let us look back at the social media trends of 2021-

Live Streams on Instagram

Instagram live streams have grown in popularity this year. The social media celebrities and the celebrities on social media made it a point to interact with their audience through live streams. As a result, the social network increased the maximum duration of its live streams from one hour to four hours, along with an archiving feature.

Also read | Songs that became favorites because of Social Media

Merging Facebook Messenger and Instagram Chats

The merging of the Facebook and Instagram instant messaging apps was another novelty in 2021. The conversations can be merged so that messages from both chats. This fusion could be the first step toward combining the platforms of Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp, though there has been no word on the latter's inclusion.

Instagram Stories

Yes, you read that correctly: we've identified Stories as an Instagram trend for 2021. Even though they've been around for a while, their popularity and utility for brands continue to grow. According to brands, Instagram Stories has had a massive impact on influencer content, and 63 percent of influencers have begun using them much more frequently in the last year.


Instagram Reels was created to compete with TikTok, another social network popular in 2021. In India, where TikTok was banned a month before the release of Reels, the average Instagram time spent has increased by 3.5 percent. We will be able to see the global impact of Reels in the coming months and see if the trend continues from making fashion reels to dancing on the groovy Hindi-English remixes trends.

Carousel Posts

Since its debut in 2017, carousel posts have grown content on Instagram, and the trend is expected to continue. Consider how you can use this format to showcase more content and communicate more effectively in 2021 when planning your posts.

Social Causes
The Social Causes tool was introduced in 2020 to respond to the economic crisis generated by COVID-19 and encourage users to support struggling businesses. In the first 7 months of 2020, this tool helped thousands of people.