Delightful morning recipes during summer to revitalize you

By : Foodie Spidey
May 07, 2023

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and this English word refers to breaking the fasting period of the previous night. A wholesome breakfast may supply complete energy for the rest of the day. The summer heat affects the appetite very badly and it is common for people to lose their desire for food. It is important to start your day with positive note so you should eat a well-balanced and nutritious breakfast. If you are struggling to find exciting meal options to start your day, here are some basic meals that you can prepare quickly.

Muesli with seasonal fruits






Salad with rajma and mango

Credit: ontariobeans

Mangoes are in available now and we're looking for new ways to enjoy this delightful fruit. This healthy mango and beans meal has a delightful sweet and sour flavor. This salad is high in protein, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins and is ideal for breakfast, mid-morning snacking, or nighttime hunger.

