Summer Triggers That Can Cause Asthma

From : Lifestyle Desk
May 08, 2023

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects the airways, causing inflammation and narrowing, leading to breathing difficulties, coughing, and wheezing. Although asthma can be triggered by a variety of factors such as allergens, exercise, and stress, summer can bring with it specific triggers that can exacerbate asthma symptoms.

High levels of air pollution

During the summer months, increased air pollution can trigger asthma. Ground-level ozone, which is formed when sunlight reacts with pollutants from sources such as cars and power plants, can irritate the lungs and cause inflammation, leading to asthma symptoms. Pollen and dust from construction sites can also contribute to poor air quality, worsening asthma symptoms.

High humidity

Humidity levels can rise during the summer months, which can cause breathing difficulties for people with asthma. High humidity can make it harder to breathe, as it can cause airways to narrow and increase inflammation. In addition, humidity can lead to the growth of mold and dust mites, which can be major allergens and asthma triggers.

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Summer is a time when many plants and trees release pollen into the air, which can trigger asthma symptoms in people who are allergic to them. Common allergens include ragweed, grass, and tree pollen. Also, mold spores can be a major summer allergen, particularly in damp environments such as basements, bathrooms, and kitchens.

Insect bites and stings

Insects such as bees, wasps, and hornets are more active during the summer months, which can increase the risk of insect bites and stings. For people with asthma, insect bites and stings can be a trigger for an asthma attack, as they can cause inflammation in the airways.


Exercise can be a trigger for asthma in any season, but it can be particularly problematic in the summer when temperatures are high and humidity levels are elevated. When exercising in hot, humid conditions, the body produces more heat and water, which can cause dehydration and airway constriction, leading to asthma symptoms.

Respiratory infections

Summer is a time when people spend more time outdoors, which can increase the risk of respiratory infections such as the common cold and flu. For people with asthma, respiratory infections can be a trigger for asthma symptoms, as they can cause inflammation in the airways and make breathing more difficult.