Having cold or cough? Try these 7 drinks for a speedy recovery

By : Health Reporter
Dec 11, 2021

Winter is enjoyable in several ways- Winter fashion, Winter Festivals and Winter Food. Except for one thing- cold and cough.  A cough is a reflex of your body cleaning your airways naturally. However, when the arrival of these infections become regular, it is annoying to handle.

India is the land of Ayurveda and homemade healing remedies. When it comes to cold and cough, some elders often suggest choosing home remedies. So here we are, being your favourite agony aunt, bringing you some warm drinks you can consume to soothe your cold.

Spiced tea

Spiced tea

Spiced tea is made up of three main ingredients to cure cough and cold. These are tulsi, ginger and black pepper. Boil a cup of water in a pan and add all these three ingredients with a spoon full of tea. You can additionally put milk into it.

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A mixture of lemon, cinnamon and honey

Lemon, Cinnamon and Honey

Another effective drink for cough and cold is a warm cup of water mixed with a spoon full of honey, lemon and cinnamon powder.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea

Ginger does not only taste good in tea but it is also a remedy to treat cold naturally and speeds up recovery. Ginger is great to ease a sore throat and also helps in giving relief to a runny nose.

Milk and turmeric

Milk and Turmeric

A lukewarm glass of milk and turmeric is one of the ancient home remedies to treat cough and cold. It not only treats coughs and colds but also any internal injury. It is one of the most common drinks in Indian households due to its healing properties.

Honey and Brandy

Honey and Brandy

Brandy is well known to keep your chest warm. A small pinch during winters can help you keep warm. Add a few drops of honey to the same drink.

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice

It is uncommon to read about pineapple juice in the list of cough and cold healing drinks but it is effective in curing it. Pineapple contains vitamin C which helps cure a cold by boosting immunity. You can have pineapple juice with a few drops of honey in it.

Vegetable soup

Vegetable soup 

Vegetable soup will help to elevate your overall health by improving the power of your immunity.

Saltwater gargle

Saltwater Gargle

A salt gargle is an age-old therapy to treat cough and cold. It can be used in sore throat, allergies, and for ensuring dental health. Salt has the power to draw water out of tissues and kill bacteria while protecting the gums. A pinch of turmeric can also be added for additional benefits.

Try these drinks for a speedy recovery. Tell us your remedy in the comments below!