Chai Garam Chai: Benefits and Non- benefits

By : Foodie Spidey
Dec 22, 2021

We all love our hot cup of tea in the morning. Sweet milk tea is like a comforting hug in a cup! It is the first thing many of us think about in the morning and again after a long day at work. It has long been used as a cure for sniffles and light fever. Most of us swear by our adrak wali chai and tulsi wali chai.

But did you know that milk tea has benefits but also a lot of side effects? There are a few ways in which tea can be harmful to health.

Let’s first know some benefits of Masala tea:

Reduces Inflammation

Many spices are used in the making of this beverage, commonly called masala chai, with the most prominent one being ginger. As a result, masala tea has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have established the positive impact of ginger on the human body. Another ingredient used in masala tea is clove. It is widely used as a painkiller because it reduces inflammation.

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Boosts Immunity

Masala tea is good for the immune system since it contains cinnamon and clove. When used together, the two compounds enhance each other's medicinal effect. Their synergistic role creates a line of defence that does not allow infections to weaken the immune system. One can argue that masala tea has a medicinal quality to it.

Aids Digestion

The ingredients used in masala tea, including elaichi, tulsi, and clove, help in the digestive process. When you add ginger into the mixture, the effect becomes even more profound. It has a refreshing and calming effect on the body. If you are struggling with digestion, make sure to drink masala tea with elaichi since it increases the production of saliva.

Increases Your Energy Levels

The basic ingredient of all types of masala tea is black tea, which contains high amounts of caffeine. Studies have shown that caffeine naturally boosts one's energy levels. While caffeine does have a few side effects, other spices in masala tea work together to balance them out. The strong flavour of masala tea, along with its strong dose of caffeine, will give you just the kick you need to start your day on a positive note.

Some non-benefits about Masala tea

Sleeping Disorder

If you too are suffering from a lack of sound sleep or insomnia then blame it on your true love-- Tea! Yes, too much tea consumption can hamper your sleep in all ways. The presence of caffeine in tea can simply take a toll on your sleep cycle. Caffeine interferes with the melatonin hormone, which affects the sleep pattern.

Pregnancy Complications

Yes, excessive consumption of tea can be harmful to the mother as well as the baby. Increased consumption of caffeine can increase the risk of complications. Hence, it is advised to go for caffeine-free tea or herbal tea during pregnancy to avoid complications.

Anxiety and Restlessness

Caffeine is one of the most popular mood-enhancing drugs and it has some good as well as bad effects on our bodies. Consuming too much tea can lead to sleep disruption, restlessness, anxiety and increased heart rate.

Low nutrient- Absorptions

Increased intake of caffeine can actually hamper your digestion and reduce the absorption of nutrition. Tea has a component called tannin, which hampers the absorption of iron from the food we eat! This is the reason why it is good to drink tea between meals and not with meals.

Having too much of everything is not good for our health. So stay healthy and fit !!