New Delhi: Since the coronavirus outbreak, face masks have become a new norm across the globe. People are safeguarding themselves by using face masks. People are also using non-medical fabric masks to protect themselves from the virus.
Here are dos and don’ts related to the fabric masks which should be adhered to in order to be safe against the virus.
Clean your hands before touching the mask
Inspect the mask for damage or if dirty
Adjust the mask to your face without leaving gaps on the sides
Cover your mouth, nose and chin
Avoid touching the mask
Clean your hands before touching the mask
Remove your mask by the straps behind the ears or head
Pull the mask away from your face
Store the mask in a clean plastic, resealable bag if not dirty or wet
Remove the mask by the straps when taking it out of the bag
Wash the mask in soap or detergent, preferably with hot water, at least once a day
Clean your hands after removing the mask
Do not use a mask that looks damaged
Do not wear a loose mask
Do not wear the mask under the nose
Do not remove the mask where there are people within 1 meter
Do not use a mask which is difficult to breathe through
Do not wear a dirty or wet mask
Do not share your mask with others
(Information shared in the article is based on a chart released by World Health Organization)