In its bid to control the spread of dengue and chikungunya, South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has launched mobile van clinics. These will be available in all high-risk localities and other areas as well.
Leader of the House, Subhash Arya, launched 12 such vans equipped with medicines and doctors, to treat patients at their doorstep. Wherever necessary, they will refer patients to hospitals for treatment.
According to Arya, after treating a patient, the van will stay in the area to attend to any emergency. He said the initiative was meant to remove panic from the community. He added that the decision had been taken in view of the increasing number of dengue and chikungunya cases.
Meanwhile, Arya requested citizens to cooperate with the SDMC field staff and dengue breeding checkers (DBCs). “Residents have been advised to allow field workers to enter premises and check for breeding not only inside but also on rooftops. The field staff and DBCs have been provided with identity cards, hence there’s no need to worry about security,” he explained.
Councillor of Ward No 135, Shashi Tomar, said, “For the vans, anyone can call the zonal office. For instance, people of Dwarka can contact the Najafgarh zone control room. Or they can contact me directly for assistance.”
Residents of the area and the RWAs have welcomed the initiative. TC Batra, secretary of Dream Apartments in Sector 22, said, "This move will not only offer free treatment but also save residents from the harassment of private hospitals.”
Vice-president of New Millennium Apartments, Sector 23, MS Suri, said, “Such an initiative is definitely a morale boost for people of the area. I hope they remain accountable and do the job well.”