Amidst the roaring box office figures of Brahmastra: Shiva, Part One, director Ayan Mukherjee has announced details about Part 2 'Dev'. In an interview, Ayaan said that the second part of the trilogy would come out in 2025. Speculations are Ranveer, Deepika or Hrithik Roshan could be seen in the upcoming part. Ayan Mukherjee said that he would reveal the name very soon.
Ayan Mukherjee, says, "Bhramastra- Part Two: Dev is really where the fireworks will begin. It will be bigger and better as it has always been a juicer film on paper. The second part will make the audience understand the entire problem related to Brahmastra. It will also answer who Dev is and there will be many more characters will be introduced. I am looking toward starting the next film as soon as we find our energies back."
Ayan says that Brahmastra: Part Two – Dev will swap between the past and the present and showcase how Dev affects the universe. Talking to The Indian Express, he said, "I can answer very few things about Dev. The idea was to create a very clear indication of where we are going next with the storytelling. Now we are getting into the story of our antagonist. Decoding it, giving you some hook to hang on to for part two. Dev is the fulcrum of the entire Brahmastra trilogy."
Talking about the release of the second part, he says, "The basic storyline of part two and part three has always been in place. The entire concentration so far was on Brahmastra – Part One: Shiva as that was the foundation film in the trilogy. Our goal is to make the film in a much shorter period. The idea is to come out with the film in three years. We have understood the process of filmmaking and I am confident that we can achieve our goal of releasing Bhramastra- Part Two: Dev in three years."
Brahmastra starring Nagarjuna, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, and Shah Rukh Khan, has amassed a sizable box office haul so far. Over Rs 225 crores have already been made by the movie at the global box office in its opening weekend. The Ayan Mukerji-helmed fantasy epic is meant to be the first of a trilogy and the cornerstone of a brand-new cinematic universe known as the Astraverse. Fans are already speculating about how the franchise will develop in the future.