Delhi-NCR received light rain on Sunday evening. Rain brought down the maximum temperature to 28.7 degrees Celsius, which is 10 degrees below the season's average. According to the Meteorological Department, Delhi recorded its lowest temperature in April since 2015.
The temperature dropped down in Noida and Delhi NCR due to the unseasonal rain. Once again, the weather took U-turn in Delhi, NCR. On Monday also the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the weather remained fairly pleasant throughout the day. Yesterday, it rained heavily in different sectors (63, 58, 62, and 61) of Noida. Pedestrians had to face a lot of trouble, and driving became quite challenging too.
The temperature significantly reduced because of the sudden change in weather. It was a great relief from the rapidly increasing heat. As per the weather forecast it might rain for next three days and temperature might drop further. Meteorological department predicted that after 4th May the weather would change and temperature might rise higher.