Marvellous foods that need to be soaked before eating
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Marvellous foods that need to be soaked before eating

Oats have lots of fibre and other important nutrients which are essential for health

Marvellous foods that need to be soaked before eating

Numerous countries follow an age-old practice of soaking food for hundreds of years. Soaking food before cooking or eating can make it easier to digest, easier to absorb nutrients, and lower the amount of anti-nutrients. In this piece, we'll talk about some foods that taste better after being soaked.


Legumes are the main food for many people, including vegetarians and vegans. They have a lot of protein, fibre, and other important nutrients. But beans also have ant nutrients like phytic acid that can bind to minerals and make it harder for the body to use them. Soaking beans overnight can lower the amount of ant nutrients in them and make them easier to digest. It can also cut down on the time it takes to cook the beans and make them easier to cook.

Seeds and nuts

Nuts and seeds are a great way to get protein, good fats, and other important nutrients. But they also have phytic acid and substances that stop enzymes from working. This makes them hard to digest and makes it harder for nutrients to be absorbed. By soaking nuts and seeds, you can lower the amount of these substances and make them easier to digest.

Also read: Vegan wonders: Plant based food is magical for health

Whole Grains

Whole grains are a great way to get vitamins, minerals, and fibre. But they also have phytic acid in them, which can make it hard to absorb nutrients and hard to digest. By soaking whole grains, you can lower the amount of phytic acid in them and make them easier to digest.


Quinoa is a superfood that is full of protein, fibre, and other important nutrients. But it also has saponins, which can make your stomach upset and make it harder for your body to absorb nutrients. 
Soaking quinoa can help lower its saponin content and make it easier to stomach.


In many places around the world, rice is the most important food. But it also has phytic acid, which can make it hard to stomach and stop nutrients from being absorbed. By soaking rice, you can cut down on the amount of phytic acid and make it easier to stomach.


Oats have a lot of fibre and other important nutrients. But they also have phytic acid in them, which can make it hard to absorb nutrients and hard to digest. By soaking oats, you can lower the amount of phytic acid in them and make them easier to stomach.