Vohra reasoned that there is no point in imposing parking charges on vehicles which are parked in front of their residences.
There has been a lot of discussions over the new proposed parking policy in Delhi. There is a clause in the policy which states that parking charges will also be imposed on the vehicles parked in the residential areas. This clause has witnessed stiff resistance from the people.
City Spidey in its programme titled Talking Point discussed the issue in detail with the President of East Delhi RWAs Joint Front, BS Vohra. The guest was totally against imposing parking charges on vehicles parked in the residential areas.
Vohra reasoned that there is no point in imposing parking charges on vehicles which are parked in front of their residences. While pointing out the huge number of vehicles in Delhi, he said that the government should rather focus on controlling the number of vehicles in the city.
The guest was concerned on the insufficient space for parking in the city. He categorically said that parking charges on vehicles should only be limited to commercial areas. He also suggested that if the government is really concerned over parking spaces then they should limit one vehicle for each of the families living in the city.
Do watch this video and give your valuable comments.