Currently, the cost of conversion from a single point to multi-point power connection is provisioned to be bored by the developer and RWAs only.
After inviting applications to avail service of multi-point power connection in high-rises, the electricity department is going to start a trial run of this facility on high-rises of Ghaziabad, Noida, and Lucknow. At least 6 high-rises have been shortlisted from Ghaziabad area for this test run, officials said.
As per the sources, this test run would be supervised by a tripartite committee comprising members from Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (PVVNL) and Electricity Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum. The committee would assess the outcome of the test run and then, on its basis, it would recommend the necessary changes and amendments required in the UP Electricity Supply Code 2005, told officials from the electricity department.
"The committee is formed to preserve the interest of all the parties (DISCOM, Builder/AOA, Consumer) involved in the process. The findings of the outcome would then be sent to the state," an official added.
On Wednesday, the department called invitations to avail of multi-point or individual connections in high-rises through advertisement in newspapers. However, to avail this service in already developed societies, the consent of a minimum of 50% of the residents is required. Meanwhile, the developers of the upcoming housing projects and newly developed housing projects were ordered by the department to create infrastructure for individual connection and homebuyers can avail of this service without seeking the consent of other buyers.
Currently, the cost of conversion from a single point to multi-point power connection is provisioned to be bored by the developer and RWAs only and the authorities are not considering to alter this provision even after the test run. "Now it's their responsibility to carry forward it till their flats," told Shashank Shukla, an official at PVVNL.
In May 2019, an amendment was made in UP Electricity Supply Code 2005. After the last amendment in the code In August 2018, the state government came up with a provision to convert a single-point power connection to a multi-point power connection. The conversation was made mandatory in all high-rises. The developers and RWAs were given a deadline of March 31, 2019, to undergo the conversion.
However, the resistance from residents on heavy cost and technical failures in converting the existing power infrastructure of a single point to multi-point had forced the department to amend the law.
In May 2019 the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission through the latest amendment in UP electricity supply code had exonerated old high-rises from the compulsion of converting their power supply from single point to multipoint connection.
As per the latest amendment, it’s not mandatory now for old multi-storeyed buildings to convert their power connection type from single to multipoint. The conversion can only happen if 51% of the total residents give their consent for it.