Sushant Lok I residents held a meeting with their RWA representatives, urging them to set up a meeting with Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar. The aim was to request him to allow the handover of their society from the private maintenance agency to the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon (MCG).
Sick of erratic power and water supply, along with a host of other maintenance issues, the society residents now want to take their grievances directly to the chief minister.
A group of more than 200 residents of Sushant Lok I had earlier complained to the MCG against the private developer and the maintenance agency for poor upkeep and lack of basic infrastructure in the colony. The irked residents had requested the MCG to take over the maintenance of the society, but no action was taken and they were driven to meet the local MLA, Umesh Agarwal. They also met MCG commissioner TL Satya Prakash and deputy commissioner Amit Khatri about the issues, and were assured that the civic body would soon look into the matter. However, nothing happened.
“Starting from bad security to bad roads and poor infrastructure, our society is mired in infrastructural issues. These are not addressed by the maintenance agency even after a number of complaints. We are made promises every time, but these are never kept,” said Dipankar Sharma, a resident.
The residents feel the MCG has enough funds to address their issues and believe that things will start looking up once the MCG takes responsibility of the society’s infrastructure.
“The maintenance agency has failed to provide electricity and sufficient water supply despite being paid maintenance charges in full. We believe the situation will be a lot better if the MCG takes over,” said AK Nagpal, president of the Sushant Lok I RWA.