New Delhi: The apex body of RWAs in Delhi, United Residents Joint Action (URJA) has planned to host a virtual round table on Clean Air through Residents’ Efforts (CARE).
The round table will focus on the need and speed for actions by different stakeholders in the society, understanding the basics and health impacts of air pollution from a doctor’s perspective, panel deliberations amongst key influencers, ideas for impact through CARE.
“During the webinar, we will highlight the results of the poll, currently on in the virtual space, which captures the thoughts of residents of Delhi/NCR on air pollution,” said Atul Goyal, President of URJA.
Prof (Dr) Arvind Kumar, leading Chest Surgeon from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and Founder Trustee, Lung Care Foundation will share about the danger all the residents of Delhi/NCR are facing.
It will be followed by a virtual round table (eGoshthi). The leaders of various RWAs will present their views on the topic during the webinar.
The timing for the webinar was scheduled at 5 pm on Friday. The webinar will be held on Zoom platform. The meeting ID is 811 7507 0286 and passcode is 454475.