New Delhi: Our busy lives keep us trapped in a circle where we just work and work. We get completely engrossed in deep thinking, which is making many people mentally ill. The worst part about being mentally ill is that people are not able to accept that they are not mentally stable.
A man working day and night just to feed his big family never know that his constant thoughts of not being a perfect husband, perfect son, and a perfect father are continuously killing him inside.
Mental illness is not specified to a certain age group, whether it’s a small child or an old person, anyone can be going through it.
When CitySpidey spoke to Acharya Kiran Prakash, a member of Art of Living, she said, “Pranayama and meditation can help in mental illness. Pranayama can take care of anxiety, fatigue and depression.”
To control anxiety issues, one should do exhalations and increase them gradually. For instance, if your daily exhalation is six counts then try to increase the length by 7, 8 counts, or maybe more. Continue it until you find a length that suits you. After this, try to make a gentle sound like “ha” from beginning to end. Also, take a break at the end of each exhalation by resting peacefully in stillness. This will calm down your anxiety level.
Firstly, sit in a comfortable position, make sure you allow your everyday breathe to slow down and smooth out. Balance your length of inhalations and exhalations. Then slowly after every three or five circles, add more count to each inhalation and each exhalation, continue this unless a specific count suits you. This is called equal ratio breathing.
Kiran said, “Do work which you enjoy. Listen to music. Keep yourself busy in creative work. Be socially active, don’t keep yourself isolated. Try to express yourself.”.
Wake up early and do meditation. This will ease your mind and relax your body, Kiran added.
She continued, “People think a lot and sometimes think very deeply. It is good but not every time. People should relax their minds, which can only happen by meditation”.
Later, Kiran also shared some benefits of meditation:
It helps to overcome anxiety and depression
It helps in focusing and managing your disturbed mind
You will feel more energy and efficiency
The key points that we all should remember that if we want to avoid mental illness then a physical activity like yoga or playing some outdoor games is a must. This will improve your mind as well as body. Don’t avoid mental illness, work on it and balance your daily activities.