The 90s' aesthetic got rediscovered and reimagined by a new generation that spread it all over TikTok and Instagram like poofy sleeves. Mom jeans. Fanny packs. It feels like we’ve been living in a time capsule over the past few years, with trends that defined the 80s' and 90s' somehow sneaking their way back into the limelight, and just like this, we all swear by scrunchies.
They are quite pretty and fancy at the same time – the little hair tie is our go-to-accessory and not just in hair, some people prefer it – on the wrist! The scrunchie is bringing the 90s' style back!
A scrunchie was a home accessory that people used to hold their hair in place while they slept or washed their faces. Now, these tiny, tight hair-bands have snatched all the limelight. Since its launch, the scrunchie has seen over 500 different designs, including the basic, festival-friendly neons, moody metallics, funky patterns, pastels, and what not! There's also a range of textures, including velvet, satin, fur, and georgette.
The fabric around the elastic protects your hair from damage. A scrunchie is softer than a standard hair elastic. Even if you pull your hair through it several times, it will still be looser than a standard elastic. The chance of ripping your hair out or getting them tangled around the scrunchie is severely minimised. Scrunchie can be worn in a variety of colours and prints to amp up your look.
Scrunchie sales have been trending upward of 92 per cent over the last two years. While you can find a cool scrunchie from fast-fashion retailers like Forever 21, H&M, and more established labels, many small brands are also making good money with their scrunchie business. But we are here with a DIY guide to rescue you and keep your fashion game on-point without spending a lot to indulge in the craze.
Here's a quick DIY guide for scrunchies. It is an easy and fabulous way to use up odds and ends of fabric. Learn to make them with just three materials and in eight steps:
Material required:
Measured fabric – woven, velvet, stretch velvet, satin (just about anything will work)
1/4 inch elastic with 8 – 9 inches in length
Safety pins
STEP 1: Cut fabric into strips as per your choice
Minimalist scrunchie – Cut a piece of fabric 2 x 20 inches
Small scrunchie – Cut a piece of fabric 2.5 x 20 inches
Standard scrunchie – Cut a piece of fabric 3 x 22 inches
Giant scrunchie – Cut a piece of fabric 3.5 x 22 inches
STEP 2: Fold fabric lengthwise so it’s inside out and pin along the center
STEP 3: Sew a straight line across the edge and remove pins once you’re done
STEP 4: Pull the strip right side out. Attach a safety pin at one end and weave the pin through the inside of the tube and pull it out from the opposite end
STEP 5: Cut elastic nine inches and attach a pin to one end
STEP 6: Thread the elastic through the tube
STEP 7: Remove the pin and tie the elastic into a knot
STEP 8: Fold in the edges to create an even seam and tuck one opening over the other. Pin to hold the fabric in place and sew straight across to join the two sides.
And you're done. Now boast your funky new scrunchie with an off-beat hairstyle.