Avoid these food to increase your immunity
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Avoid these food to increase your immunity

Consuming white bread, bakery goods, extra sugar food regularly can harm your immunity system

Avoid these food to increase your immunity

It goes without saying that we need to watch what we are consuming as it is said, "We become what we eat". It is directly linked to our well being and how we feel. When on one hand, nutritious food is healthy for us, calorie dense food with extra toppings can ruin our health goals. Here is the list of 5 different food items which can impact your immunity system badly and thus, you should avoid them.

Fried food:

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Fried food is not good for overall health. It contains high amount of advanced glycation end products (AGE's) which can weaken the immune system by causing inflammation and cellular damage.

Highly refined carbs:

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Consuming white bread, bakery goods, extra sugar food regularly can harm your immunity system. All these food items are high glycemic food types which can instantly cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Experts recommend eating organic carbs such as fruits and vegetables.

Artificially sweetened food:

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Artificially sweetened food and beverages consumption should be limited as they are linked with alterations in gut bacteria, weak immune response and inflammatory diseases. Some studies reveal regular usage of artificial sweaters can reduce the power of immunity and can result in an imbalance of gut bacteria.

Salty Food:

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Higher consumption of salty food can lead to the occurrence of autoimmune disease. Health practitioners say to attain a healthy body one should avoid fast food, frozen dinners and chips that can also trigger tissue inflammation. Charred and processed meat: Just like fried food, processed and charred meats are also high in AGEs which can be dangerous for overall health and can invite a lot of chronic diseases. Experts also recommend not to cook meat at higher temperatures.

Food with additives:

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Food with additives such as processed food is not recommended by doctors especially when someone is very hungry. These food items are full of additives to enhance their shelf life, colour and texture and that can affect the immune response negatively.

You can lead a healthy life and have a stronger immune system by consuming healthy food and maintaining a balance between junk and good food.

Kaira Gupta
Kaira Gupta
913 Days Ago