As the Covid restrictions are being lifted and the children are all set to get back to the schools, the things finally seem to be on track as they used to be. However, the temperatures are also rising up and thus, it is important to save kids from the consequences of summers. Heatwaves are well on their way and to save yourself and your kids from them, here are a few additions you need to make in your summer menu-
Dark Leafy Green Veggies
Dark leafy green veggies consist of 80-90% of water. Due to this, they stay easy on the digestive system and keep the body hydrated. As they digest easily, they also keep the body cool. Such vegetables are also high in iron and calcium which are important for the body.
Melon is low in calories and has 85 % of the water, best to keep cool and hydrated in summers. Loaded with folic acid, vitamin A and C and potassium, melons helps to keep hair and skin healthy. They tune best during the afternoon time when you do not want to have a full meal.
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The health benefits of Broccoli are not any secret. Eating Broccoli helps to keep digestive system healthy due to high fibre present in it. It helps to maintain low blood sugar and prevents constipation. This vegetable may look like a dense tree but it is 91 per cent water. You can enjoy this vegetable in salad, soups or even in vegetable juice.
Cucumbers are more than just a side salad with your meals. They consist of 95% water and are very light on your stomach as well. You must have seen street vendors serving cucumbers topped with chaat masala in summers. They are also good fir your You can also use it on the skin to get a shiny and soft look.
Tomatoes are high in the antioxidant lycopene which is also a cancer preventer. Tomatoes consist of water which helps you stay hydrated and keep your skin healthy because of the various vitamins present in them. Tomatoes can be enjoyed in sandwiches, salads and soups.
Coconut water
One of the most important tasks you need to do in summers is to keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least 7-8 glasses of water everyday. Although sometimes drinking planes can be boring. So to break the monotony you can sip on coconut water rich in various nutrients and minerals. It helps to keep you cool from inside and protected from heat waves. However you need to remember that nothing can replace a glass of water. So keep the consumption of water equal to 7-8 glasses.
Fennel seeds
Drinking fennel water can help keep you protected from the heatwaves. This Indian spice is highly recommended for the hot weather. It is also good for the digestive system and skin health.
To bring your energy back, a simple glass of nimbu pani (lemon drink) is enough. It not only helps to keep you hydrated but also improves digestive health. It is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants that are good for skin health and prevent chronic disease.