The scorching summers come as an occasion for extra precaution for skin and hair, but we often neglect our eyes. Protecting eyes against the harmful ultraviolet rays of the summer sun is very important. Working long hours in front of a screen in Summers can take a toll on your eyes. Prolonged sun exposure and the hot breeze can lead to various eye problems. Some of them are dry eyes, blurry vision, corneal burn and even different types of allergies.
You need to take certain steps to take care of your eyes. Here are some tips that will not hinder your fashion and protect your eyes.
Hat on your head
A stylish broad frilled hat on your head does not only protect your eyes from the sunlight. Also, it will keep your hair and head safe from the heat. Wearing a hat can just add a very elegant look to your style.
Staying out in the sun without precaution can make your eyes look tired and result in premature wrinkles near the eyes. Before getting out of the house remember to carry goggles or sunglasses with you. Moreover, when you apply sunscreen and sunblock creams make sure they are not entering your eyes. It can cause irritation and allergies.
Drink and eat healthy
It is very important to keep yourself hydrated. Seasonal veggies and fruits will keep you healthy. Foods like Muskmelon, watermelon, and cucumber are some of the items that contain higher quantities of water.
Avoid the summer sun
According to experts, time between 10 am to 3 pm UV rays are at their peak and very strong. So before getting out of the house remember to carry sunglasses or avoid getting out of the house at this time.
Eye gear during swimming
To relax and get rid of hot summers many people love to swim. However, this enjoyment should not come at the risk of your eyes. The swimming pools are treated with chlorine to keep them clean. The chlorine can be irritating to the eyes. So the best solution is to wear eyewear while swimming. After swimming, rinse your eyes properly with clean water.