Indirapuram: Residents of Nyay Khand 1 are riled with the unauthorised dumping of garbage on the road opposite Supertech Icon, Nyay Khand 1. Residents say that during the monsoon, the problem gets even worse as the place becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The residents are concerned about their children's health and complain about the foul smell.
According to residents, such dumping of garbage on roads can cause diseases such as dengue. They also complain of how the foul smell frustrates them. The residents are unhappy with the authorities as no action has been taken to remove the pile of garbage. They say that several complaints have been made to authorities such as Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam but nothing has been done.
Manoj K. Thakur, President of Supertech Icon, Indirapuram, says, "How can we expect to live in such a polluted environment that is harmful to people of all ages, particularly for senior citizens and children. The area stinks with a foul odour whenever we pass through it. Now that it's monsoon season, we can't even open our windows and enjoy the fresh air."
Another resident, on the condition of anonymity says, "I am shocked to see that the residential area is turning into a waste dumping ground. As a result, we have encountered several problems, and we are working hard to find a solution."