The trailer of Akshay Kumar's very first web series Cuttputlli has just been out. The trailer has created a buzz on the internet. It also stars Rakul Preet Singh and Sargun Mehta. The series will debut on Disney+ Hotstar on September 2, 2022.
The crime series has been directed by Ranjit M. Tiwari, who previously directed Akshay in Bell Bottom. The trailer looks impressive, and Akshay Kumar promises to give what might be his best performance of the year. The trailer is also filled with compelling performances and a thrilling plot.
The entire web series has been shot in the hills of Kasauli, In the trailer, you can see a cut chase between the serial killer and the police. Akshay Kumar, playing the role of the cop, is desperately looking for the killer and his ongoing plans. The trailer demonstrates how the murderer has already claimed two victims and dumped their bodies in open areas, including a bench at a viewpoint and a sizable drain pipe. The authorities must apprehend him before he claims any more innocent lives as soon as possible. Just like the title states its name, Cutputtli, Akshay was observed performing in the literal sense like a puppet suspended from different strings.
The suspenseful movie is based on the true story of serial killer Anatoly Yemelianovich Slivko, who operated in the old Soviet Union. This true-crime thriller has been masterfully adapted for a pan-Indian audience by Pooja Entertainment, which creates engaging and original material.
The series is produced by Vashu Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh, and Jackky Bhagnani under the umbrella of Pooja Entertainment.
Watch the complete trailer here.