It might has happened to you that while wandering through the aisles of a grocery store, you were perplexed by some strange-looking fruits and vegetables. Well, to be prepared for such moments, you should have a look at this list of strange fruits and vegetables from around the world.
Ugli Fruit
Jamaica's teardrop-shaped fruit may look odd, but its delicious flavour more than compensates for its unusual appearance. This tasty fruit of Jamaica shares a flavour profile with both the tangerine and the grapefruit. This tasty fruit can be enjoyed on its own or mixed into juices and salads.
Dragon Fruit
This bright pink fruit is a staple in many Asian dishes. In spite of its unusual surface, the sweet, juicy pulp within, which contains tiny black seeds, is a true delight for everyone. The regions of Asia, Central America, and South America are the original homes of dragon fruit. This fruit is great for adding fiber and vitamin C to salads, desserts, and liquids.
This enormous citrus fruit has the appearance of an enormous grapefruit, but its flavour is sweeter and more delicate than that of other fruits with a tart flavour. This enormous fruit with thin skin is native to a number of Asian countries and can be used as a flavorful addition to a salad.
The jicama is a wonderful spherical root vegetable that can be used in salads, stews, and slaws. It has a sweet flavour with a little crunch, and it's quite versatile. This root vegetable has a texture that is between that of a turnip and an apple. On the other hand, in order to prevent the vegetable from going bad, it should be kept in a dark and cold place.
The Brazilian grape plum combines the best of both worlds, so you can stop choosing between the two fruits. This delicious fruit, which resembles a plum but tastes more like grapes, is borne on a vine from the Jabuticaba tree. It is consumed as a seasoning or processed into jellies, jams, and wine.
This green has a unique spiral shape. This nutty and textured green leafy vegetable can be prepared or eaten raw in salads.
This amazing fruit, sometimes known as a custard apple, is full of sweet pulp and seeds. The fruit's white pulp is sweet and can be used to make ice cream, sweets, and fruit salads. This lumpy and rough-textured fruit is native to South America and Asia, among other places.