New Delhi: As Delhi tops charts in being one of the most polluted cities, a switch from fuel vehicles to EVs is a promising step. However, there's a need for a better infrastructure for EVs across Delhi. In an effort in this direction, Delhi Government is working on a blueprint to introduce kerbside charging for EVs on all major roads.
Vice Chairperson of Dialogue and Development Commission of Delhi (DDCD), Jasmine Shah convened a meeting on the implementation of kerbside charging for Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Delhi. Kerbside charging is an emerging concept globally wherein EVs can be charged while being parked on roadside kerbs itself using either street light lamp posts or through dedicated charging posts. The meeting was attended by officials from the Transport Department, Public Works Department, Delhi Transco Limited (DTL), BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL), BSES Yamuna Power Limited (BYPL), and TATA Power Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL) were part of the meeting.
Jasmine Shah also chairs the inter departmental working group for the accelerated roll-out of charging infrastructure in Delhi. Last month, the Delhi Government launched the 3 year action plan for charging and swapping infrastructure in Delhi which set a target of 18,000 charging points. A key strategy to achieve this target is to deploy kerb side charging which leverages the existing civic and electrical infrastructure in Delhi for the installation of charging points.
In the meeting, it was decided that kerbside charging will leverage lamp posts and substation spaces which have or are close to sites of on-street parking. The process will start with a pilot for 100 kerbside chargers spread equitably across all the three DISCOMs. The pilot will be designed under the aegis of DDC and DISCOMs will take the lead in installation of kerb-side chargers on PWD roads. PWD has 1,400 kms of roads in Delhi with approximately 1 lakh lamp posts. Post the pilot, the deployment will be scaled across the NCT of Delhi. The target is to have EV chargers on all major roads of Delhi. Kerbside charging will provide convenient options for the priority segment vehicle in which are two wheelers (2W) and three wheelers (3W). In addition, it will play an important role for residential colonies which lack designated parking. It can also utilize the areas of commercial markets and government offices with on street parking.
It is to be noted that globally, kerbside charging has been successful in cities like London and New York where 30 to 50% of car users use street side parking during the night. More than 5,500 kerbside EV chargers have been installed in the UK with 80% of them being in London itself. New York has done similar pilot projects in the city. The concept was appreciated by the stakeholders in the meeting. The DISCOMS will identify the road stretches where this pilot can start with deployment of 100 EV chargers. Delhi Transco Limited (DTL) will be the state nodal agency of operationalising the complete pilot along with the State EV cell of the Transport department. Delhi govt is looking to install more than 5000 kerbside EV chargers in the next 3 years.
During the meeting, Jasmine Shah said, "To making Delhi the EV capital of India, Delhi Government has already installed over 2500 EV charging points - the highest in India. This has happened on the back of several innovations. Similarly, Delhi will take the lead in setting up kerbside charging facilities for EVs on all major roads. Kerbside charging is another innovative concept that Delhi is bringing to provide 24x7 access of EV charging to 2W and 3W which have remained the priority segments for us."