The horror comedy universe of Maddock Films grows with the release of Bhediya, starring Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon. The movie's trailer was unveiled with the cast and director Amar Kaushik on October 19, 2022. The movie also marks ten years of Varun Dhawan in Bollywood.
This is the second time Kriti and Varun share the screen after Dilwale. The horror comedy looks entertaining with the best from the comedy world. We will see here Stree fame Abhishek Banerjee and Deepak Dobriyal who tickled our funny bone in Tanu weds Manu.
It is revealed that Varun has been bitten by a wolf as his pals Kriti Sanon and Abhishek Banerjee look down at him while he lies in a hospital bed. The actor is seen changing into a dangerous beast in later sequences. He gains tremendous power and overnight muscle growth. Before Varun's character can adjust to the alterations, he is surprised to notice that his nails grow, his jaw develops canines, and his spine splits, transforming him into a wolf at night.
The trailer introduces the film like it's a superhero origin story. Later, he also learns his abilities, including hearing low tones and liking stale odour over perfume.
Kriti Sanon in her new short hair look plays the role of Dr Anika in the poster. She is also seen holding a rifle that is used to immunize animals. The VFX in the movie's trailer received high appreciation. The Amar Kaushik-directed film is hailed as having good visual effects and features Mr X, Hollywood's top effects house.
The end of the trailer features a remix of the well-known 'Jungle Jungle Baat Chali Hai' song from the Jungle Book series, which also previews Varun's CGI-assisted transformation into the monster.
Look at the trailer!