Follow these Do’s and Don’ts to take care of your period
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Follow these Do’s and Don’ts to take care of your period

Proper menstrual hygiene is important for staying clean, staying healthy, and avoiding infections

Follow these Do’s and Don’ts to take care of your period

New Delhi: Menstruation is a normal thing that happens to every woman. During this time, a lot of women may feel pain, like cramps, bloating, and tiredness. Proper menstrual hygiene is important for staying clean, staying healthy, and avoiding infections. Menstrual hygiene advice should be easy to find, whether it is about how long a period product should be used or how to keep scented products away from the vagina.

For this, Dr. Raman Dabas, a gynecologist and obstetrician who is practicing in New Delhi for over a decade, shares a few simple tips:

Do this…

  • Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet. The skin and mucous membranes in the vaginal area will stay healthy if you drink a lot of water and eat well.
  • Wash the area with warm water and mild soap to keep it clean. This will help get rid of any blood and stop bacteria and odor from building up.
  • Wear underwear made of natural fibers that let air pass through. Cotton underwear is a good choice because it lets air circulate, which helps keep the area dry.
  • If you can, take a shower or bath every day. This will help clean the area and get rid of any blood from your period.
  • Change your pads or tampons every 4 to 8 hours. This will help keep the area clean and stop bacteria and smells from growing.
  • Keep the genitalia dry and don't wear clothing that's too tight. This will help keep bacteria and yeast from growing, which can cause infections.

And don’t do this…

  • Don't forget about menstrual cleanliness and hygiene. If you don't take care of your menstrual hygiene, you can get infections and feel bad.
  • Don't wear synthetic underwear or pants that are too tight. These can hold onto water and make it easy for bacteria and yeast to grow.
  • Don't use pads or tampons that are old or have run out. These things might not work as well as fresh ones, and they can cause infections.
  • Don't use douches or products with scents near your vaginal area. 
  • Douching can change the vagina's pH balance and cause infections.
  • Products with scents can also make people itch or have allergic reactions.

Try not to use tampons or pads for too long. If you leave them in for too long, bacteria can grow and make the room smell bad.