Dwarka: In a tragic incident, a woman named Kalpana, a government school teacher, died after falling from the sixth floor of her apartment in Dwarka sector 6 last Sunday. The police have registered an FIR under the abetment to suicide section and have arrested the woman's husband, Pawan Yadav. The investigation of the case is currently ongoing.
According to the woman's daughter, her father and other relatives are to blame for her mother's death. She has accused her father of frequently quarreling with her mother and demanding a divorce. He would often come home drunk and say hurtful things to her mother. The daughter also stated that her mother was repeatedly taunted for not giving birth to a son, and the taunting had intensified after the birth of her younger sister. The daughter claimed that there were often fights in the family due to her father's alcoholism and behavior, which left her mother deeply upset.
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On the night of April 2, the daughter heard her parents quarreling once again, and her father was pressuring her mother for a divorce. She heard a sound of something falling and later found her mother lying unconscious on the floor. She was taken to the nearest hospital but succumbed to her injuries.
The incident has left the family and the community in shock, with many expressing their condolences to the bereaved family. The police are currently investigating the case and are expected to shed more light on the circumstances surrounding the woman's tragic death.