A year back in March, Haryana CM had increased floor area ratio (FAR) on plots to allow residents to build fourth floor. But registration rules remain unclear.
In March last year, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar had increased floor area ratio (FAR) on plots to allow residents to build a fourth floor. But a year on, confusion prevails over the registry of the fourth floor.
Nearly 1,200 families in the city built a fourth floor, but are unable to sell it as a dwelling unit in the absence of a separate registration. Residents are, therefore, planning to submit another memorandum to the CM on the subject (the first one was submitted on May 28).
The CM had said he would ask officials to change provisions in the Haryana Building Code so that residents can use the fourth floor as an independent dwelling unit.
Tejender Sehrawat, who had submitted a memorandum to the CM earlier, explained, “Many people have built a fourth floor, following the CM’s announcement. But things are still not clear, and we want to meet the CM once more. We have also sought an appointment with Vinay Pratap Singh, the deputy commissioner.”
RS Bhatth, district town planner (DTP), Gurgaon, confirmed, “The matter is under consideration by the town and country planning (TCP) department, Haryana. The architect division of the department is working in this regard.”
The TCP Haryana has to approve the proposal, after which it will be incorporated into Haryana Building Code and, to be then implemented by Haryana Shahri Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP), MCG and licensed colonies as well.