GB Nagar: Under the new commissionarate system, Commissioner Alok Singh divided the district of Gautam Budh Nagar into three policing zones with a head office in each zone for better policing.
Zone 1
Police stations of sectors 20, 24, 39, 49, 58 and expressway have been clubbed into one zone. Headquarter will be at the police office situated at Sector 6. IPS Sankalp Sharma was made Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP).
Additionally, the zone has been divided into three circles – Circle 1 has police stations including sectors 20 and 39. Circle 2 includes police stations of sectors 24 and 58 and Circle 3 has Sector 49 police station and expressway.
Zone 2
This zone has police stations of Phase 2, Phase 3, Bisrakh, Ecotech-III, Badalpur, Surajpur with headquarter at Surajpur and it was further divided into three circles. DCP Harish Chandra will be leading the second zone.
Zone 3
The zone has the highest number of police stations and has been divided into four circles. A total of nine police stations – Knowledge Park, Beta 2, Dadri, Kasna, Jarcha, Ecotech-I, Jewar, Dankaur and Rabpura will be in the zone. It will have Ecotech-I as its base camp (headquarter). IPS Rajesh Singh was appointed as DCP and four ASP will work in the area.
Additional DSP's have also been appointed for each zone. IPS Nitin Tiwari is the Deputy Commissioner of Noida, Meenakshi Katyayan is DSP Crime and Vrinda Shukla is DSP (women security).