New Delhi: The daily new cases is on a record-breaking spree in Delhi. Saturday was another day when a record single-day spike was recorded. It is also the fourth straight day when more than 4,000 cases were recorded. In the last four days, records have been shattered on three days.
The current trend is worrying for citizens of Delhi and this has happened with the increased activities like resumption of Delhi metro and opening of pubs in the city.
Delhi recorded 4,321 new cases, taking the cumulative tally to 2,14,069 on Saturday. On Friday, 4,266 new cases were recorded. However, on Thursday, the city had recorded its highest single-day spike of 4,308 new cases. The records were broken both on Thursday and Wednesday. Before the recent upsurge, the earlier record of 3,947 new cases were recorded on June 23.
The cases have risen quite sharply through the last ten days. The daily new cases have almost doubled in this period. On September 2, 2,509 new cases were reported in Delhi.
The testing has been ramped up in the national capital. Saturday was the second consecutive day when more than 60,000 tests have been conducted. Out of the total tests conducted, 9,182 are RT-PCR tests, and over 50,500 are rapid antigen tests.
The situation has deteriorated with almost all the parameters showing signs of worsening. However, even if the new cases outnumbered the recoveries by a big margin, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of recoveries in the national capital.
On Saturday, more than 3,000 persons recovered in the national capital. The increased number of recoveries is the only relief coming out from the city at present. With 3,141 recoveries, the total recoveries reached 1,72,085 in Delhi.
Even though there has been an increase in the recoveries, it could not control the continuous rise in active cases as new cases have been even bigger. The active cases have now reached 28,059 in Delhi. It had gone below 10,000 mark not too long ago.
Meanwhile, with 28 more fatalities, the death toll has now reached 4,715 in the national capital. The death rate is 2.2 per cent at present. The death rate in the last 10 days is 0.68 per cent.